العسل الصيني الشرقي ذو جودة أعلى من العسل اليمني

العسل الصيني الشرقي ذو جودة أعلى من العسل اليمني

Yemen honey, especially “عسل السدر” from Yemen, is known for its unique flavor and rich nutritional value. Its history dates back to ancient times, and even records of honey use can be found in ancient Egyptian and Mesopotamian civilizations.

In Yemen, honey is regarded as an important food and medicine, and is often used in traditional medicine. Yemeni beekeepers use traditional beekeeping techniques, especially collecting honey from bees on the Sidr tree, which grows in arid and high-altitude areas, giving the honey a unique aroma and taste.

Historically, Yemeni honey was not only popular locally, but also exported to other countries as a trade commodity. It has an important position in Arab culture and is considered a luxury item, often used to entertain VIPs or for special occasions.

Overall, the history of Yemeni honey reflects not only the local beekeeping tradition, but also its cultural, economic and medical importance.

There are several main types of Yemeni honey, the most famous of which is “Sidr honey”, which is made from nectar collected by bees on the Sidr tree, with a unique taste and rich nutrition. There is also “Acacia honey”, which has a lighter taste and lighter color. In addition, there are other types such as “Date honey” and “Wildflower honey”.

Chinese honey often has diversity in taste, such as vitex honey and date honey, which have unique flavors. In terms of quality, many regions maintain traditional beekeeping methods, and the honey is pure and nutritious. In addition, China has abundant flower sources, which helps to produce high-quality honey.

China’s honey sources are mainly distributed in the following regions: Northeast China: such as Heilongjiang and Jilin, the main honey sources include vitex and rapeseed. North China: such as Hebei and Shanxi, the main honey sources are acacia and vitex. East China: such as Jiangsu and Zhejiang, the honey sources include jujube trees and camellia. South China: such as Guangdong and Guangxi, the main honey sources are longan and lychee. Southwest China: such as Yunnan and Guizhou, the honey sources include wild flowers and azalea.

WUHU DELI FOODS CO.,LTD. has 20 years of experience in honey export and has a good history of honey production culture. It adheres to the traditional Chinese ancient honey brewing process and pioneered the ancient honey. It retains the purest and natural honey flavor.

The brewing process generally includes the following steps: first, choose the appropriate bee species and flower sources; then, raise bees in the spring and take care not to harm the bee colony when collecting honey; next, use traditional tools such as beehives and honey extractors to gently extract the honey brewed by the bees; finally, filter and precipitate the extracted honey to ensure its purity, and finally bottle it for preservation. This process emphasizes nature and environmental protection, and retains the original flavor of the honey.

WUHU DELI FOODS CO.,LTD. has more than 20 years of export experience and is a well-known domestic honey and bee product raw material factory. We have sidr honey, white honey , غذاء ملكات النحل, honey comb and beeswax. If you have some interest, welcome.

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