Exportaciones de productos apícolas de China de enero a septiembre de 2024

Exportaciones de productos apícolas de China de enero a septiembre de 2024

China exported a total of 121,392 metric tons of bee products (excluding beeswax) to 96 countries and regions from January to September 2024, valued at 22,297 million US dollars. This represents a year-on-year increase of 10.64% and 2.17% in quantity and value, respectively. The top ten export destinations were Japan, the United Kingdom, Belgium, Spain, Poland, Saudi Arabia, Australia, the Netherlands, South Africa, and the United States.

In September alone, China exported 14,390 metric tons of bee products to 52 countries and regions, valued at 2,569 million US dollars. This marks a substantial year-on-year increase of 44.81% in quantity and 19.98% in value.

Exportaciones de miel From January to September 2024, China exported a total of 118,579 metric tons of honey to 59 countries and regions, valued at 18,695 million US dollars. This represents a year-on-year increase of 10.57% in quantity and 3.46% in value. The top ten export destinations for honey were the United Kingdom, Japan, Belgium, Poland, Spain, Saudi Arabia, the Netherlands, South Africa, Ireland, and Portugal.

In September, China exported 14,003 metric tons of honey to 32 countries and regions, valued at 2,197 million US dollars, representing a significant year-on-year increase of 44.98% in quantity and 31.91% in value. Notably, while exports to Japan decreased by 8.99% in terms of quantity, exports to the United Kingdom increased by 31.47%.

Exportaciones de Jalea Real During the first nine months of 2024, China exported 790 metric tons of royal jelly to 65 countries and regions, valued at 2,281 million US dollars. This represents a year-on-year increase of 2.37% in quantity but a decrease of 9.8% in value. The top ten export destinations for royal jelly were Japan, Spain, the United States, France, Australia, Germany, Egypt, Saudi Arabia, Indonesia, and South Korea.

In September, China exported 68.3 metric tons of royal jelly to 27 countries and regions, valued at 213.2 million US dollars. However, both quantity and value experienced a significant year-on-year decrease of 36.62% and 40.28%, respectively.

Exportaciones de polen de abeja From January to September 2024, China exported 1,801 metric tons of bee pollen to 46 countries and regions, valued at 762.6 million US dollars. This represents a year-on-year increase of 24.10% in quantity and 20.52% in value. The top ten export destinations for bee pollen were South Korea, the United States, Poland, Belgium, Japan, Mexico, Spain, Canada, Saudi Arabia, and Australia.

In September, China exported 302 metric tons of bee pollen to 15 countries and regions, valued at 119 million US dollars. Both quantity and value experienced a substantial year-on-year increase of 107.90% and 109.93%, respectively.

Otras exportaciones de productos apícolas From January to September 2024, China exported 222.1 metric tons of other bee products to 46 countries and regions, valued at 558.5 million US dollars. This represents a year-on-year decrease of 11.91% in quantity and 6.06% in value. The top ten export destinations were Australia, the United States, Germany, Italy, Saudi Arabia, Spain, New Zealand, the United Kingdom, Hong Kong, and Japan.

In September, China exported 17.4 metric tons of other bee products to 21 countries and regions, valued at 40.3 million US dollars. Both quantity and value experienced a year-on-year decrease of 32.87% and 35.45%, respectively.


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